Thursday, December 13, 2007

Learning to do what works

Hey everyone!

Today is Thursday, which means that in just under an hour, the DG Mastermind Group will be together sharing ideas and finalizing a promotion we have been working on. Tonight I will be posting some interesting information on Marketing Myths, but right now I am getting ready to meet with the group and I wanted to share some feedback I got from one of our members who regularly attends our meetings.

At first for some our methods seem strange because the gurus have sort of brainwashed us to believe that certains things work. The reality is that they dont really want to reveal their secrets. If they did and you had success, they would lose a customer and gain a competitor.

I discoered what works is actually doing the opposite. This can be scary. For example, if I share a technique or strategy with you and everything you have ever read or heard about internet marketing teaches something different, you may be afraid to try what I recommend.


Because it seems different and uncomfortable. But there is another reason. See, in the back of your mind, if all of the gurus out there are touting a technique, and everyone's doing it, then we all become conditioned to believe it must work. Well, it doesnt and I can prove it.

More than 95% of the people marketing online are failing to make a profit!

Therefore, if I see something that "everyone is doing" then my first assumption is that is exactly what NOT to do. In other words, if you want to succeed, you can't follow the crowd. Obviously only 5% of the people marketing on the Net are making any money. If you want to make money than you must do what the minority is doing, not the majority.

So if you really are serious about making money online, then you must figure out the secrets of the minority to get into that top 5%.

That is how I developed Covert Marketing.

It's important for you to accept that alot of what you beleive to be true about internet marketing is not true at all if you are going to get anything out of the DG System. See, if you are afraid to try something different, than it will never work for you. It does not do anyone a lot of good to read all of this information unless you are willing to take action and put it to use.

This is why we have developed the DG Mastermind Group. It not only allows me a better way to teach what I wrote, but it gives all of us accountability. We cant just show up for training or read a book. We actually have to implement the strategy. Each time we meet, we have an assignment that is actually part of our overall foundation for perpertual online success.

Each day, we will post our projects, progress and ongoing results so that you can copy our strategies and get results.

However if you want to accelerate your results, or if you want to make a lot more money in days instead of weeks, then you should probably get yourself involved with Digital Gold. You can do that by visiting us at

Check out what Audrey has to say:

Digital Gold and the phone training that we receive from Deb Parkerhas really helped me. I've been on the Internet involved in one thingor another for over 10 years. With some success, some failures anda lot of learning opportunities :-) I've not had much success lately...looked at all of the hot programs like EDCgold, Passport to Wealth, etc.and didn't know where to turn, or even how best to evaluate a program.And I knew I had to learn about all the new ways of marketing online.
Then I started to hear about Digital Gold. It sounded so muchbetter to me than all the other stuff. It has it cash, residualincome and a great product.
Digital Gold has really helped me get out of my old ruts and startlooking at new ways to market. In the "olden days" as my grandkidswould say, it seemed like about all we had to do was buy leads andsend out emails...and that worked really well back then.
But things have changed and I needed to get into the present.Now I'm learning all about Google advertising, Social Networking,and especially writing articles and ads.
So thank you, Deb, for Digital Gold and especially all of the phonetraining.
Audrey Ledgerwood
Ok, tune in for our next post: Truth vs. Myth as we begin to dispell some of the brainwashing that "they" want you to beleive.

To your success,


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