Thursday, January 3, 2008

Check Out What Sharon Has to Say

Before I found Digital Gold I was ready to quit trying to make money in Internet Marketing. When I started working on line I knew absolutely nothing about it. I soon became inundated with information and free opportunitites for websites that sounded very good so I signed up for a few.

The nesx thing I knew I was having to sign up for attached programs to the free website and having to pay for them. I tried to follow all of the training but was soon overwhelemed by all of the information and had trouble trying to understand how it all fit together to make me some money. On top of being overwhelemed and frustrated, I was spending out lots of money and more and more time on these programs without getting sign ups and certainly not earning any money as promised.

I started to hear about Digital Gold and it certainly sounded much different and better that the other programs I was working so I decided to give Internet Marketing one more try and signed up. Now I am certainly glad I made that choice. With Digital Gold, the product, and the telephone training/mentoring I have received I have learned to do what works in Internet Marketing. I have learned how to write great ad copy, article writing and marketing, social networking, how to use Google ad words effectively and much more. Now I am spending less than $100.00 per month rather than over $300.00 per month on programs and I am making money instead of pouring it into an apparent black hole on the Internet.

I am very grateful for having Digital Gold and for the great training I am receiving.

Sharon Doucet

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